Mike James' Author Page

Mike James is editor of I-Programmer.info, an online magazine written by programmers for programmers. He has a BSc in Physics, an MSc in Mathematics and a PhD in Computer Science. His programming career spans several generations of computer technology but he keeps his skills completely up to date. As an author he has published dozens of books and hundreds of print articles, a tradition he now continues online

Extending & Embedding 
Python Using C

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Deep C Dives:
Adventures in C 

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Programmer's Python: Everything Is An Object, Second Edition

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Programmer's Python: Async

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pythonObject2e180  pythonAsync180 

The Trick Of The Mind

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Programmer’s Python:
Everything is Data

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Raspberry Pi IoT In Python Using GPIO Zero

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Deep C# :
Dive Into Modern C#

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The Programmer’s Guide To Theory

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JavaScript Jems:
The Amazing Parts

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Android Programming In Java: Starting with an App

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Android Programming in Kotlin: Starting With An App

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Programmer's Guide To Kotlin
Third Edition

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