General Note GCC
The latest version of Pi OS only supplies GCC 8.3 in a bare metal compiler configuration arm-none-eabi and this is the Kit you should select.
The alternative 10.2 targets Linux and cannot be used to compile Pico programs.
Windows 10 currently supplies 10.3 arm-none-eabi for bare metal targets.
General Note RDP
The latest version of Pi OS needs some tweeking to make Windows remote desktop work.
See the article on I Programmer - Remote Desktop To A Headless Pi Running Bullseye
Page 25:
the instruction should read: "git submodule update --init" (minus minus init, instead of minus init minus: "-init-")
Page 27
before moving on :
before moving on by clicking on the "four little square" icon in the column at the left of the screen, as shown on the picture below.
Page 30:
file isn't detected, then from the View top menu, select the Command Palette..."
If this doesn’t work and the CMakeLists.txt file isn’t detected then use the command Palette to issue the command CMake Quick Start, but don’t overwrite the CMakeLists.txt file you already have.
If this doesn’t work and the CMakeLists.txt file isn’t detected then use the command Palette, (View, Command Palette), to issue the command CMake Quick Start, but don’t overwrite the CMakeLists.txt file you already have.
There are many ways to start a build of the project, but all of the commands are available if you select the CMake extension and then click on the three dots menu.
There are many ways to start a build of the project, but all of the commands are available if you select the CMake extension (by clicking on the icon at the left of the screen, the rectangle with a triangle in it) and then click on the three dots menu.
Pi Pico
should read:
Pi Pico
i.e. swap GP2 and GP3
Note: this does not connect the serial port which is useful in printf debugging among other things. See Chapter 6.
Page 41
7th bullet should read: "UF2" instead of "UF4".
Page 46
This uses the same CmakeLists.txt file as blinky in the previous chapter and the same launch.json file. The only difference is that now we are using GP22.
This uses the same CMakeLists.txt file as blinky in the previous chapter and the same launch.json file. The only difference is that now we are using GP22.
i.e. change m to M
Page 54:
You can see that this is that case by swapping the order of the instructions:
You can see that this is the case by swapping the order of the instructions:
Page 54:
Both wait for the specified time in microseconds but the sleep_us saves power and the busy_wait doesn’t but is more more accurate.
Both wait for the specified time in microseconds but the sleep_us saves power and the busy_wait doesn’t but is more accurate.
Page 61
As the internal pull-down resistor is used, the switch can be connected to the line and ground without any external resistors:
should read:
As the internal pull-up resistor is used, the switch can be connected to the line and ground without any external resistors:
Page 64:
An LED is a non-linear electronic component – the voltage across is stays more or less the same irrespective of the current passing through the device.
An LED is a non-linear electronic component – the voltage across it stays more or less the same irrespective of the current passing through the device.
Page 67:
From its datasheet you can discover that the max collector current is 800mA and beta is at least 50, which makes it suitable for driving a 20mA LED with a GPIO current of at most 20/50mA = 0.4mA.
From its datasheet you can discover that the max collector current is 800mA and beta is at least 50, which makes it suitable for driving a 20mA LED with a GPIO current of at most 20mA/50 = 0.4mA, where 50 is the HFE or beta.
Page 68:
To limit the current to 0.4mA would need a resistor of 2.7/0.4kΩ. = 6.7kΩ.
To limit the current to 0.4mA would need a resistor of 2.7V/0.4mA = 6.7kΩ.
Assuming a forward voltage drop of 1.6V and a current of 20mA the resistor is given by (3.3-1.6)/20kΩ = 85Ω. In practice, we could use anything in the range 82Ω to 100Ω.
Assuming a forward voltage drop of 1.6V and a current of 20mA the resistor is given by (3.3-1.6)V/20mA = 85Ω.
Page 76:
Vout = V R2/(R1+R2)
Vout = V * R2/(R1+R2)
Page 81:
As the internal pull-down resistor is used, the switch can be connected to the line and ground without any external resistors:
As the internal pull-upresistor is used, the switch can be connected to the line and ground without any external resistors:
Page 98:
Notice that an event, or an event queue, cannot increase the program’s throughput or its latency – the time to react to an input.
Notice that an event, or an event queue, cannot increase the program’s throughput or decrease its latency – the time to react to an input.
Page 113:
Of course, even though the PWM line can generate pulses very fast pulses, usually what you want to do is change the nature of the pulses and this is a slower process involving the processor.
Of course, even though the PWM line can generate very fast pulses, usually what you want to do is change the nature of the pulses and this is a slower process involving the processor.
Page 115:
To make use of the PWM hardware you need to change the libraries statement in CMakeLists.txt to:
target_link_libraries(myprogram pico_stdlib hardware_gpio hardware_pwm)
To make use of the PWM hardware you need to change the libraries statement in CMakeLists.txt to:
target_link_libraries(myprogram pico_stdlib hardware_gpio hardware_pwm)
that is you you need to add hardware_pwm to the libraries.
To make use of the PWM hardware you need to change the libraries statement in CMakeLists.txt to:
target_link_libraries(myprogram pico_stdlib hardware_gpio hardware_pwm)
that is you need to add hardware_pwm to the libraries.
Page 131
The line in the first new paragraph:
The PWM output in this configuration mimics the workings of an 8-bit A-to-D converter.
shoudl read:
The PWM output in this configuration mimics the workings of an 8-bit D-to-A converter.
i.e. swap A and D.
Page 135
The graph axis labels need to be switched.
Page 155:
Function "void BiMotorspeed()" - At the top of the page, are you sure "m->forward = true" must be "= true" in the two cases of the "if" statement ? Shouldn't the second be "false" ?
Page 167
So for example, if we use GP28 as the first GPIO line the four lines are GP18, GP19, GP20 and GP21 and the first element of stepTable sets just GP21 to high.
should read
So for example, if we use GP18 as the first GPIO line the four lines are GP18, GP19, GP20 and GP21 and the first element of stepTable sets just GP21 to high.
i.e. change GP28 to GP18
Page 171
the rotation is in rotations per second not per minute - I forgot to multiply by 60.
It should read:
In this case, H‑bridge GP21 is A, GP20 is B, GP19 is A- and GP18 is B-. The stepping speed is such that a 200-step motor, i.e. 400 half steps, will rotate in 400*1 ms= 0.4 s, i.e. 2.5 rps (revolutions per second), which is a good starting speed. Decrease the sleep time for a higher speed.
The error is also on:page 173
Page 172:
The second cancels a timer.
The third cancels a timer.
Page 173
Notice that we have to deal with the case of speed set to zero separately to avoid a divide by zero exception. The speed is specified in rps *100. So setting speed to 250 gives a rotation of 2.5rps.
Page 182:
There are 3 references to MSIO on the page they should be changed MISO
Page 187
Next we can send some data and receive it right back:
uint8_t read_data = bcm2835_spi_transfer(0xAA);
remove the program line and change the : to ;
Next we can send some data and receive it right back.
Page 188:
Change MSIO to MISO
Page 188
If you connect a logic analyzer to the three pins involved – 4, 6 and 7, you will see the data transfer:
change to:
If you connect a logic analyzer to the three GPIO lines involved – 4, 6 and 7, you will see the data transfer:
i.e change pins to GPIO lines
Page 216:
change ic21 to i2c1
Page 229
Temperature in °C= -46.85 + 175.72 * data16 / 216
change to
Temperature in °C= -46.85 + 175.72 * data16 / 216
change 216 to 216
Page 230
RH= -6 + 125 * data16 / 216
change to
RH= -6 + 125 * data16 / 216
change 216 to 216
Page 241:
The complete program is but remember that it needs the PIO program and the CMakeLists.txt file:
The complete program is listed below, but remember that it needs the PIO program and the CMakeLists.txt file:
Page 243
You can use the registers to implement a for loop with up to 32 repeats. The jmp instruction can test the value of a register for zero and auto-decrement it after the test. This means an n repeat for loop can be constructed as:
set x,n loop: nop jump x--, loop
Using this you can slow the rate at which the GPIO line is toggled by repeating the nop 32 times. However, even if you use:
set x,n loop: nop [31] jump x--, loop
the effective rate of toggling the GPIO line is still too great to see an LED flash. To slow it down even more you need two nested loops.
change to
You can use the registers to implement a for loop with up to 32 repeats. The jmp instruction can test the value of a register for zero and auto-decrement it after the test. This means an n repeat for loop can be constructed as:
set x,n loop: nop jmp x--, loop
Using this you can slow the rate at which the GPIO line is toggled by repeating the nop 32 times. However, even if you use:
set x,n loop: nop [31] jmp x--, loop
the effective rate of toggling the GPIO line is still too great to see an LED flash. To slow it down even more you need two nested loops.
i.e. change jump to jmp
Page 247
This seems simple, but the set pindir is more complicated than you might expect. The set instruction sets the direction of the SET group of pins. The literal value used in the instruction is used as a mask to set the pin directions. This means that it can only set the direction of the first five GPIO lines in the SET group. This usually isn’t a problem as using more than five GPIO lines for output is uncommon. However, the out instruction sends the data from the OSR to the first two GPIO lines in the OUT group, not the SET group. You can see that the set instruction only enables the first two lines of the OUT group if they are the same in both groups.
change to
This seems simple, but the set pindirs is more complicated than you might expect. The set instruction sets the direction of the SET group of pins. The literal value used in the instruction is used as a mask to set the pin directions. This means that it can only set the direction of the first five GPIO lines in the SET group. This usually isn’t a problem as using more than five GPIO lines for output is uncommon. However, the out instruction sends the data from the OSR to the first two GPIO lines in the OUT group, not the SET group. You can see that the set instruction only enables the first two lines of the OUT group if they are the same in both groups.
i.e. pindir -> pindirs
Page 253
sm_config_set_sideset_pins(&c,2); pio_gpio_init(pio0, 2); pio_gpio_init(pio0, 3);
The first instruction has to be changed to:
Page 300
The complete program to read and display the temperature is:
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
int presence(uint8_t pin)
gpio_set_dir(2, GPIO_OUT);
gpio_put(pin, 1);
gpio_put(pin, 0);
gpio_set_dir(pin, GPIO_IN);
int b = gpio_get(pin);
return b;
The complete program to read and display the temperature is:
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
int presence(uint8_t pin)
gpio_set_dir(pin, GPIO_OUT);
gpio_put(pin, 1);
gpio_put(pin, 0);
gpio_set_dir(pin, GPIO_IN);
int b = gpio_get(pin);
return b;
i.e. change 2 to pin in first line of function.
Page 336
int getBlocks(uint8_t buf[], int len, int num, char target[])
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
{ if (uart_is_readable_within_us(uart1, 1000 * 1000));
getBlock(buf, len);
if (strstr(buf, target))
return i;
return -1;
change to:
int getBlocks(uint8_t buf[], int len, int num, char target[])
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
{ if (uart_is_readable_within_us(uart1, 1000 * 1000))
getBlock(buf, len);
if (strstr(buf, target))
return i;
return -1;
i.e. add {} around if body.
Page 330 and 345:
General Note GCC
The latest version of Pi OS only supplies GCC 8.3 in a bare metal compiler configuration arm-none-eabi and this is the Kit you should select.
The alternative 10.2 targets Linux and cannot be used to compile Pico programs.
Windows 10 currently supplies 10.3 arm-none-eabi for bare metal targets.
General Note RDP
The latest version of Pi OS needs some tweeking to make Windows remote desktop work.
See the article on I Programmer - Remote Desktop To A Headless Pi Running Bullseye
General Note PIO
To avoid having to use GPIO lines in SPI mode the driver makes use of one of the PIOs. This means that you should avoid using the same PIO as the WiFi driver for general purpose I/O. Which PIO is used is set by
You can override this if you want to but it is simpler to use PIO 0 for your own PIO programs. The driver uses a single state machine and ten bytes of instruction memory. If you want to use PIO 1 you can use pio_claim_unused_sm to find a free state machine.
All of the examples in the PIO chapter use PIO 0.
General Note Windows Installer
As of SDK 1.5 there is an official installation script for Windows and it makes the job of getting started much simpler. You can find it at:
and it is easy to use and it works.
To find the exe file you first need to navigate to the latest releases:
Then download the appropriate installer from the Assets section.
And run the .exe file from the command prompt.
At the time of writing it automatically installs and configures the following:
Arm GNU Toolchain
Python 3.9
Git for Windows
Visual Studio Code
The installation provides a specially configured version of VS Code – Pico-Visual Studio Code and a Pico configured PowerShell and Command Prompt. In fact the PowerShell is used to start VS Code with the correct environment parameters. It also installs Ninja as the make utility not the default Nmake.
You need to always ensure that you start VS Code using the Pico shortcut otherwise you will get an unconfigured VS Code that will not know how to compile your program.
Page 71
Swap the Emitter Collector labels on the diagram at the top of the page. The Emitter is always the one with the arrow!
Page 84 Top line
We have already met the functions that sets a GPIO line to input or output:
To read:
We have already met the functions that set a GPIO line to input or output:
Page 85
One of the most common input circuits is the switch or button. If you want another external button you can use any GPIO line and the circuit explained in the previous chapter. That is, the switch has to have either a pull-up or pull-down resistor either provided by you or a built-in one enabled using software.
To read:
One of the most common input circuits is the switch or button. If you want add a button you can use any GPIO line and the circuit explained in the previous chapter. That is, the switch has to have either a pull-up or pull-down resistor either provided by you or a built-in one enabled using software.
The program simply tests for the line to be pulled low by the switch being closed and then sets GP21 high. If you connect GP21 to an LED or a logic analyzer you will see the effect of the button being closed – the LED will light up while it is pressed. Notice GP22 goes low to indicate that the switch is pressed.
To read
The program simply tests for the line, GP21, to be pulled low by the switch being closed and then sets GP22 high. If you connect GP22 to an LED or a logic analyzer you will see the effect of the button being closed – the LED will light up while it is pressed.
Page 88
If you are only interested in transmitting data from the Pico you only need to connect Pin 1 and Pin10.
change to
If you are only interested in transmitting data from the Pico you only need to connect Pin 1 and Pin 2.
Page 122
The working out of the lowest frequency is wrong the largest devisor is 255 15/16 and not 256 15/16. The calculation should read:
The divider is decomposed into an 8-bit integer and a 4-bit fractional part, which specifies the fraction as fract/16. This means that the largest divisor is 255 15/16 which which gives the lowest clock frequency as:
Page 157 spotted by Gordon Macdonald
Change true (highlighted in red) to false.
void BiMotorspeed(BiMotor *m, int s, bool forward) { if (forward)
pwm_set_duty(m->slice, m->Bchan, 0);
pwm_set_duty(m->slice, m->Fchan, s);
m->forward = true;
pwm_set_duty(m->slice, m->Fchan, 0);
pwm_set_duty(m->slice, m->Bchan, s);
m->forward = true;
} m->speed = s;
Page 287
The fist line of int presence(uint8_t pin)
gpio_set_dir(2, GPIO_OUT);
should be
gpio_set_dir(pin, GPIO_OUT);
The function is correct in the final listing.
Spotted by Larry Simoneau - many thanks.
Page 344
Change the body function from:
Page 85 (Spotted by Federico Arismendi - thanks!)
The line
['harry', 'ian', 'lucy', 'mike', 'sue']
should be
['sue', 'ian', 'mike', 'lucy', 'harry']
A copy and paste error.
Page 92 (Spotted by Federico Arismendi - thanks!)
The line
I = pinIn.value()
should be
i = pinIn.value()
The text processor we use has a habit of automatically upper casing i to I !
Page 83
self.finished.set() the final line is superfluous
Page 114
myCond = Condition()
Co = Condition()